
Lending a Hand

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Lending a Hand

Shifting her hoofs in the slightly wet grass, the Huntress sank down in a hunching position behind the rock to rest her legs. She put a hand on the rock and peaked around it with her head as far as she could go without scraping her horns against it. The rock was filled with moss that under the weight of her hand suddenly dropped a big amount of water down into her lap. The Huntress swallowed a hiss from the cold sensation, determined to be as quiet as she could. She ignored her wet pants and gazed out before her, there was still one more rock between her and the area with the Lashlings. However, that rock would be too small to hunch behind, she would have to be on her stomach if she wished to hide there. The Huntress looked behind her to confirm that there weren’t any other creatures watching her. Feeling reassured, she again turned her head towards the little rock and then back to the Lashlings, waiting for a good moment to leap forward. As one Lashlings swung off in a new direction, after for a while wobbling in the Huntress general direction, she decided to take the shot. Pressing her hoofs down in the grass she braced before pushing herself forward in a great jump, landed hands first and grabbed the wet grass as well as she could, did one and a half summersault so she got on her stomach and finished with a barrel roll to get in the correct position behind the rock. Pushing her nose down the grass, she felt her adrenalin flow as the Lashlings strong scent of overripe flowers reached her.

She steadied herself on her elbows and peaked up over the stone, now all she needed was an open path to the female whimpering on the ground now only 50 meters away, or as close as she could get to an open path. Seeing a pattern in how the Lashlings moved, she was able to pick out a route to get to the female, but to get there she would have to be in very close contact with the Lashlings. She waited a few more moments before the pattern repeated itself and dashed out, first a quick run to the area, then five quick steps to the left, two slow ones straight forward, seven to the right and- She froze in place. One of the Lashlings had altered its path and was moving straight toward her and she had nowhere to move, there were Lashlings all around and the one who had changed course was in the place she was supposed to stand according to her calculations. As she panicked slightly the Lashling came closer and in the last second The Huntress was able to dodge to her left, leaving her with only a few centimeters to stand between two different Lashlings before she jumped and did another summersault to get behind the Lashling which changed path. She was now only a few meters away from the female on the ground and she quickly slid over the wet grass to get to her.

“Everything hurts. Please make it stop…”, the female whispered as she noticed how the Huntress fell on her knees next to her. The Huntress let a hand fall down on the female’s chest as she searched for the power within herself. A faint light started growing in front of the Huntress forehead and soon a faint light started growing under her hand as well and the female slowly got up on her hoofs as scratches and bruises gradually faded away by the light.  As the female for a moment steadied herself against the Huntress and the light went absent, she groaned and looked around seeing the crash site for the first time. She turned a concerned be horned head towards her savior.
“Many thanks to you huntress… Is that over there all that’s left of the ship?”
Commissioned by :iconxalalax:*xAlalax
Who wanted a one page story from the Quest: Rescue the Survivors!.
For some reason I had a lot of trouble with this, which is why it took so long to finish for you, Hope it still suits your tastes ! :D

This really made me want to start playing World of Warcraft again, but whenever I try to start playing again I quit only after a month or so. I'm actually listening to the Ammen Vale soundtrack while uploading this, and the nostalgia is tear jerking ! :iconsobcryplz:

World of Warcraft (c) Blizzard
© 2013 - 2024 Seriiko
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xAlalax's avatar
thx :D i really like it
i really miss wow too <.< i wish i had the chance to play it more